Mitch Engel & His Writing


Mitch writes with a voice that’s been around … that knows people … that has observed their idiosyncrasies and loves them all the more.   His stories  weave contemporary themes with timeless human values, often in satirical fashion.  When he threads the right needle for you as a reader, you’ll identify with what the main characters experience, and perhaps laugh in some unexpected places.

In writing each of his novels, Mitch starts with a broader human issue, then creates a storyline that allows him to develop his overarching theme on multiple levels.  With Deadly Virtues, the theme is personal accountability.   Noble Windmills deals with ambition.  For Crimes of Arrogance, the title is a dead giveaway – the book  wrestles with  arrogance in a variety of forms.  His newly-released fourth novel, The Senator’s Suitcase, takes on legacy.

But make no mistake, Mitch’s stories are first and foremost mysteries.  His likable characters, as well as the unlikable ones, will take you on rollercoaster journeys.  Just trust that you will land at an unanticipated conclusion.

Mitch is sixty-seven – going on thirty, according to his wife.  He’d always intended to be a writer, but admits to being a card-carrying Baby Boomer who sold out to the world of commerce.  “After flunking retirement twice, I finally hung up my briefcase in 2007 and took residence behind a keyboard.”

Along the way, Mitch ran one of the nation’s largest ad agencies, opened a consulting practice, and drew his final executive paychecks from the C-suite of a Fortune 500 company.

He views writing as a contract with his readers.  “I like reading fiction to be both  entertaining and evocative.  I hope the hours spent with one of my books will provide you that experience.  If you find yourself uncertain about where the characters and storyline are taking you, then I’ve been partially successful.  Along the way, if you’re smiling at how occasional passages hit you, or even nodding your head from time to time, then I’ve made your investment of time worthwhile.  Either way, you have my gratitude.”

Besides novels, Mitch has applied his passion for writing to two popular apps that highlight points of interest and historical events around the Chicago area, and co-authored a book about one of the nation’s oldest golf clubs. Currently, he is co-authoring another book with long-time Chicago Tribune reporter and columnist, Mike Conklin. Together, they are recounting the inspirational story of Faraja Primary School in Tanzania, which has given new purpose to the lives of hundreds of young children born with physical handicaps.


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