Noble Windmills

For two decades, Milo Peters successfully scales the corporate ladder of a twenty-billion-dollar conglomerate, largely ignoring the unseemly compromises and steady erosion of principles that have paved his path to the top.  He can’t allow himself to think about such things; the truth hurts too much.


Everything changes with his latest promotion to corporate headquarters back in Chicago, home to countless painful memories.  Of his father and the Old World values in which he was raised.  Of a young woman and a relationship squandered.  Of all the things Milo had meant to be.  What better setting for a midlife nuclear meltdown?

Nursing a hangover, Milo heads to Ashton’s, the diner where he and his friends had gathered regularly during college.  There, he runs into Luke Papadikas, his closest childhood friend.  With the multiplying uncertainties in his life, a dose of Luke is exactly what Milo needs – or at least he thinks so.  But this is no chance reunion.  Luke now works for the government and is part of a secret investigation into financial improprieties inside Milo’s corporation.  He wants Milo to become an informant, a whistleblower, and sacrifice everything he has worked toward in his career.

Milo faces the most difficult decision of his life, and the ramifications will prove to be more devastating than he ever could anticipate.